
POST api/Users/Register

Register a new user with default role

POST api/Users/RegisterWithRoles

Register a new user and set roles. Note: This requires an Administrator role.

POST api/Users/SendVerificationEmail

Verify a new usesr's email. This must be called after a new user has been registered.

PUT api/Users/UpdateDetails

Update user details. Password will not be changed. NOTE: E-mail cannot be changed.

PUT api/Users/UpdatePassword

Update user password.


GET api/UserNotes/{noteId}

Get note by its id

GET api/UserNotes/{userId}/{noteId}

Get note by full slug

GET api/PublicNotes/{userId}

Get all the public notes tile entities for a user. - May be accessed anonymously

GET api/PublicNotes/{userId}/{noteId}

Get public note by full slug - May be accessed anonymously

DELETE api/UserNotes/{noteId}

Delete an existing note

DELETE api/UserNotes/{userId}/{noteId}

Delete an existing note

GET api/UserNotes

Get all the notes tile entities for the user (owner of Token).

POST api/UserNotes

Create a new note Note: The created and modified dates determined by the actual time of creation.

PUT api/UserNotes

Update an existing note. Note: The created and modified dates determined by the actual times of creation and last modification respectively. The NoteId cannot be changed.